@echo off setlocal SET HPSUM_ROOT=%~dp0 set newcmdcmdline=%cmdcmdline:"=-% set withincmd=1 echo %newcmdcmdline% | find /i "cmd /c --%~dpf0%-" if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set withincmd=0 :: if %withincmd% EQU 0 echo This batch-file: %~dpf0 was executed directly (from Windows Explorer, ...). :: if %withincmd% EQU 1 echo This batch-file: %~dpf0 was executed from within a Command Prompt :: Select 32-bit or 64-bit SET HostIs64Bit=%ProgramFiles(x86)% IF "%HostIs64Bit%"=="" ( set HPSUM_ARCH=x86 ) ELSE ( set HPSUM_ARCH=x64 ) set HPSUM_BIN="%HPSUM_ROOT%%HPSUM_ARCH%\hpsum_bin_%HPSUM_ARCH%.exe" IF NOT EXIST %HPSUM_BIN% ( @echo Unable to locate %HPSUM_BIN% if %withincmd% EQU 0 ( call :delay ) set ERRORCODE=-4 goto :Exit ) :run %HPSUM_BIN% %* set ERRORCODE=%ERRORLEVEL% :: the acutal binary should have displayed an error :: message. We still want to delay to allow :: people who started by clicking on the icon :: a chance to see the message IF %ERRORCODE% NEQ 0 ( if %withincmd% EQU 0 ( call :delay ) goto :Exit ) goto :Exit :delay where ping > nul 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( pause ) else ( @echo Pausing for 10 seconds ... ping -n 11 > nul ) goto :EOF :Exit exit /b %ERRORCODE%