CoE Service for SAP HANA

The CoE Service for SAP HANA repository contains a set of software packages that are used for managing one’s HPE SAP HANA environment. Currently there are three types of packages, csPatches, csToolkit, and csPlaybooks. csPatches are one off patches that are released between product releases to address specific criteria, e.g. a missing software dependency. The csToolkit package contains a set of software programs and their supporting files, which are used for management activities, such as using csurUpdate to apply a newly released CSUR or csDrift to check that a server’s current configuration is per design, etc. The csPlaybooks package contains Ansible playbooks and their supporting files, which are used for specific activities, such as performing a bare metal installation of a Predefined SAP HANA Configuration. Note, csPatches and csPlaybooks have a dependency on csToolkit, which needs to be installed before their usage.

Repository Access Requirements:

A support contract is required to access the CoE SAP HANA software repository. Login with your HPE Passport credentials and generate a token, which along with your email address will be used for accessing the repository: generate your token here.

Once you have a valid token, you may access the CoE SAP HANA software repository with your web browser, yum, or zypper using the information provided below.

Web Access:

Subscription Access:

Subscribe to the csrepo repository using one of the following methods depending on the OS distribution that is being used.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Cut and paste the following section into /etc/yum.repos.d/csrepo.repo on your RHEL server substituting the variables in red as appropriate:

name=CoE Service for SAP HANA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Cut and paste the following section into /etc/zypp/repos.d/csrepo.repo on your SLES server substituting the variables in red as appropriate:

name=CoE Service for SAP HANA
15.x for SLES or 8.x for RHEL
current, 2020.10, etc.
Import the GPG Key
Copy the GPG-KEY-HPE-SDR key to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ and then import the key with the following command:
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/GPG-KEY-HPE-SDR

Installing CoE SAP HANA packages:

List available packages
# yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="csrepo" list available
# zypper search --repo csrepo
Show available updates
# yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="csrepo" check-update
# zypper list-updates --repo csrepo
Install a specific package
# yum install packagename
# zypper install packagename
